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EmuCR: DolphinDolphin Git 2412-55 is compiled. This is the trunk of Dolphin Project. Dolphin is the first Gamecube emulator able to run commercial games! Dolphin is a Gamecube, Wii and Triforce (the arcade machine based on the Gamecube) emulator which supports many extra features and abilities not present on the original consoles. It has a partial Wii support and plays most Gamecube games.

Dolphin Git Changelog:
* Merge pull request #13211 from Sintendo/blendvpd
* Jit_FloatingPoint: Prefer BLENDVPD over VBLENDVPD
* Merge pull request #13212 from JosJuice/jitarm64-ps-sel-same-reg
* JitArm64: Optimize ps_sel with d == b || d == c
* Merge pull request #13063 from TryTwo/PR_GameSettings
* Add method to bold slider/spin labels when a user game ini setting is being used
* EnhancementsWidget:: Move to using ConfigControls and add new control for ComboBoxes that set two settings at once.
* Add GFX property tabs to game properties window, allowing them to be set to the user game ini. Additionally, refactor ConfigWidgets to reduce duplication. Refactor GameConfigWidget to use config system.
* DolphinQt: Refactor, add ConfigControl class
* Merge pull request #13214 from JosJuice/sethardcoremode-private
* AchievementManager: Make SetHardcoreMode private

Dolphin Git 2412-55 x64 : 1cloudfile gofile mirrorace mirrored qiwi ranoz
Dolphin Git 2412-55 Android : 1cloudfile gofile mirrorace mirrored qiwi ranoz send usersdrive
Source: Here

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