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EmuCR: N64N64 Git (2024/10/14) is compiled. Experimental low-level N64 emulator written in C and a bit of C++. Still under heavy development and not ready for prime time. Compatibility is not high and performance is not great (yet.) The goals of this project are to create a low-level emulator with good compatibility, while learning a lot along the way.

N64 Git Changelog:
* qt frontend working in flake
* Qt on Linux only in flake
* Pin chksum64 commit
* remove
* update flakes, add qt6.full
* update parallel-rdp, don't require a fork
* Fix #discussion_r1791465445
* Introduce cflags in Qt main. Interpreter now works
* For some reason the system doesn't get reset properly, but at least we don't crash anymore
* progress

Download: N64 Git (2024/10/14)
Source: Here

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