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EmuLinker-K v0.13.1 is released. EmuLinker-K is a server that uses the Kaillera protocol to facilitate online multiplayer for emulators. EmuLinker-K is a Kotlin rewrite of EmulinkerSF, with an emphasis on measuring and improving performance, patching security and privacy vulnerabilities, and adding useful features for both server owners and users. EmuLinker-K is maintained by nue.

EmuLinker-K v0.13.1 changelog:
Anybody (not just the game owner) can use both the /lagstat and /lagreset commands.
Support for the ESF Admin Client is fixed.
The server version will now be listed in server lists (not just "elk").
Dependencies have been updated, most importantly we are now using the Kotlin K2 compiler.
Some small optimizations in the GameData and CachedGameData action handlers which may provide better JIT compilation on high volume code paths
Extended the amount of time between some periodic logic, most significantly checking in with the central server (every 30m instead of 1m) and checking for user timeouts etc.

Download: EmuLinker-K v0.13.1
Source: Here

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