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EmuCR: ShadPS4ShadPS4 Git (2024/08/22) is released. An early PS4 emulator for Windows and Linux written in C++.

ShadPS4 changelog:
* Merge pull request #525 from shadps4-emu/libc_removal
* LLE libc removal
* Merge pull request #521 from GermanAizek/fix
* Added const reference params if possible, removed less 16 size
* Added logging for debugging configs (#518)
* Misc fixes (#517)
* Update Debugging.md
* Expand documentation on configuration and debugging (#513)
* Merge pull request #506 from squidbus/macos-translocation
* Untranslocate app bundle path if needed on macOS.
* Merge pull request #511 from dima-xd/sample
* avplayer: Fix sceAvPlayerGetAudioData

ShadPS4 Git (2024/08/22) : buzzheavier mirrored mixdrop send usersdrive
Source: Here

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