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Devector v4.0 is released. This is an emulator of the SOviet personal computer Vector06c. It is designed to simplify the development process and speed up the work. Currently, it is in the early stages of development, so please use it on your own risk.

Devector v4.0 Changelog:
New Features and Enhancements
Recorder Window Controls
Added controls for playback in both forward and backward directions.
Implemented a slider to set the exact frame/state during playback.
Displayed statistics related to recording.
Main Menu Enhancements
Introduced options to load and save recordings.
Streamlined the UI requests system by aggregating requests into a single request object.
HW Stats Window
Included the “Frame Num” display for better monitoring.
Refactored State Modules
Aggregated inner parameters into separate state modules.
Refactored modules for Breakpoint, CPU, Display, IO, and Memory.
Introduced a debugger request handler.
Migrated debug events under the request handling system.
Performed minor type cast updates.
Created a dedicated class for breakpoints.
Access to breakpoints is now exclusively through HW requests.
Eliminated the need for HW thread mutex interruptions.
UI fetches breakpoint data only when it updates.
Encapsulated watchpoints into their own class.
UI fetches only updated watchpoints.
Display Rendering Fixes
Corrected highlighting issues for global addresses higher than 0xFFFF.
Resolved a small rasterization problem in the border area.
Framebuffer Restoration
Implemented framebuffer restoration during playback.
Bug Fixes
Fixed bitfields packing in the breakpoint class.
Optimized the retrieval of all breakpoints.

Download: Devector v4.0
Source: Here

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