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EmuCR:ClrMameProClrMamePro v4.049 is released. ClrMamePro is a so-called ROM-manager. With every new release of MAME a lot has been changed. New gamesets have been added, some have been removed, etc.

ClrMamePro v4.049 changelog:
fixed: falsely remove backup's _unknown folder in case of a failed backup which might remove already backuped and removed unneeded files. Only if _unknown folder isn't present before.
fixed: skip a non software list rompath if it is also assigned to a non active software list which would list all sets in that path as fully missing (combined mode only)
fixed: missing disk merging information within softwarelists, so that some identical chds stay in the clone set (combined mode only)
added: verify delta chds (via chdman)

Download: ClrMamePro v4.049 32bit
Download: ClrMamePro v4.049 64bit
Source: Here

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