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EmuCR: ShadPS4ShadPS4 Git (2024/07/11) is released. An early PS4 emulator for Windows and Linux written in C++.

ShadPS4 changelog:
* Merge pull request #277 from shadps4-emu/kernel/hr_timers
* fixed CMakeLists
* changed path to boost so it doesn't conflict with previous
* fix for large delays precision + Linux build
* boost: submodule update
* boost: latest updates
* boost submodule added
* boost submodule removed
* kernel: added HR timers and asio service thread
* kernel: equeue: minor refactoring
* Merge pull request #278 from Xphalnos/main
* Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/Xphalnos/shadPS4
* Adding Bloodborne screenshot
* Adding Bloodborne screenshot
* forgot to register avplayer module
* More HLE stuff and fixes (#273)

ShadPS4 Git (2024/07/11) : gofile mirrored send usersdrive
Source: Here

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