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IBMulator v0.18 is released. IBMulator is a free/libre and open source PC emulator focused on the IBM PS/1 line of computers, able to run with the original ROM. The goal is not just to develop yet another emulator, but also to create a faithful simulator with the look and feel of the real machines, hdd and floppy drive noises included.

IBMulator v0.18 changelog:
Added ATAPI CD-ROM drive emulation
Improved 5.25" floppy drive graphics and sound effects
Fixed shaders loading error with Intel GPUs
Fixed possible guest program or OS crash on state restore
Added command line switch -r to restore a savestate at launch
Added command line switch -s to start the machine at launch
Fixed command line switch -u when a relative path is used
Changes to ibmulator.ini:
Added new section [cdrom]
Added new setting [drives]:cdrom
Added new setting [soundfx]:cdrom_seek
Added new setting [soundfx]:cdrom_spin
Renamed setting [soudfx]:fdd_gui to [soudfx]:drives_gui
Renamed setting [soudfx]:fdd_balance to [soudfx]:drives_balance
Changes to keymaps:
Old FUNC_* names are deprecated but still valid.
How to upgrade:
rename or delete your current ibmulator.ini file to create an updated version.
Savestates from previous versions are not compatible.
Windows version compiled and tested on Windows 10.
Linux version compiled in Ubuntu 20.04 and tested on Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04.
Note for Windows users: if you have a HiDPI monitor I suggest you to disable Windows' HiDPI scaling for the ibmulator.exe program and use IBMulator's own UI scaling option instead. You can change UI scaling in the INI file or with CTRL + mouse wheel.

Download: IBMulator v0.18
Source: Here

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