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EmuCR: yuzuyuzu Git (2023/08/15) is compiled. yuzu is a work-in-progress Nintendo Switch emulator. yuzu is an open-source project, licensed under the GPLv2 (or any later version). yuzu has been designed with portability in mind, with builds available for Windows, Linux, and macOS. The project was started in spring of 2017 by bunnei, one of the original authors of the popular Citra 3DS emulator, to experiment with and research the Nintendo Switch. Due to the similarities between Switch and 3DS, yuzu was developed as a fork of Citra. This means that it uses the same project architecture, and both emulators benefit from sharead improvements. During the early months of development, work was done in private, and progress was slow. However, as Switch reverse-engineering and homebrew development became popular, work on yuzu began to take off as well.

yuzu Git Changelog:
* Merge pull request #11256 from FearlessTobi/revert-10075
* Revert "Silence nifm spam"
* Merge pull request #11273 from t895/setup-completion
* android: Page forward on setup step completion
* android: Adjust setup fragment layout
* android: Show complete indicator during setup
* Merge pull request #11271 from t895/settings-tweaks
* android: Remove redundant option from slider dialog
* android: Reduce opacity of non-editable settings
* android: Use string resource for slider value/units
* android: Display setting value in setting list items
* android: Set switch listener before assigning new value
* Merge pull request #11282 from ameerj/glasm-xfb
* gl_graphics_pipeline: GLASM: Fix transform feedback with multiple buffers
* Merge pull request #11283 from ameerj/glasm-pipeline-detection
* gl_graphics_pipeline: Fix GLASM storage buffer detection
* Merge pull request #11281 from liamwhite/vi-scale-mode
* nvnflinger: add missing scale mode
* Merge pull request #11259 from german77/hid
* service: hid: Implement functions needed by QLaunch
* Merge pull request #11263 from liamwhite/my-feature-branch
* vulkan_device: disable features associated with unloaded extensions
* Merge pull request #11264 from liamwhite/stray-code
* ssl_backend_securetransport: remove stray .Code()

yuzu Git (2023/08/15) : 1cloudfile gofile multiup pixeldrain send

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