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EmuCR:Classic99 Classic99 v399.2 is released. Classic99 is a freeware TI-99/4A emulator for Windows 9x.

Classic99 runs most stuff fine:
- More filesystem debug
- Added ability to set Program Counter (disasm page)
- Added better description of file header mismatch
- Added better detection of TIFILES header
- Fixed broken host text file fixed/variable determination
- Commented out speech and dac warning debugs (they don't help)
- Print one less debug line to window to avoid last line being masked

Classic99 v399.2 Changelog:
* Added hotkeys for Paste (control-F1), Debugger (control-Home), and copy screen (Control-F2)
* added copy screen function (hold SHIFT for BASIC offset)
* added Tape menu and added STOP and PLAY functions (sorry, not tested)
* debugger adds view->ASCII Add Screen Offset for BASIC checkbox (not saved)
* fix display of active GRAM pages when opening dialog
* 32MB AMS implemented - enabled it for now (we already used to reserve 16MB as it was)
* re-arranged VDP gettables to be more convenient and less redundant
* added NOCR or NOLF options to clipboard - if you open it as "CLIP.NOLF" or "CLIP.NOCR", automatic line endings will NOT be appended, you must add them yourself. NOCR and NOLF are identical, only one may be specified, and you can use either CR (13) or LF (10) when you write.
* fix opening new files in APPEND mode for image disks and FIAD disks - should work okay now


Download: Classic99 v399.2
Source: Here


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