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EmuCR:JPcspJpcsp Git (2017/06/24) is compiled. JPCSP is the most advanced PlayStation Portable(PSP) emulator, allowing you to play your PSP games on a PC. Even though Jpcsp is written in Java, it can already reach 100% PSP speed on a lot of commercial games... and the emulator performance is constantly increasing. Jpcsp takes full advantage of dual-core processors, matching the PSP dual-core architecture. Even a quad-core can give a small performance improvement by leaving free CPU cores for the Java JIT Compiler and the graphics cache.

Jpcsp Git changelog:
* Fixed the saving of the time_zone_area in the Settings.properties.
* sceUmdMan: added HLE implementation of UMD access functions to allow the
use of the low-level iofilemgr.prx.
* sceUmd: added few draft functions, added hook to activate the HLE umd
* Added draft sceSysregAtaBusClockEnable(), sceSysregGetTachyonVersion().
* Added hook to install sceMSstor drivers.
* Added sceRtcSetTick_660().
* Added few draft sceCodepage methods.
* Added sceKernelIsUserModeThread().
* Fixed strtol() to skip "0x" prefix in base 16. Added bzero().
* Implemented sceKernelDeleteUID() and
Added draft sceKernelMemoryExtendSize(), sceKernelMemoryShrinkSize(),
* Added sceKernelLoadExec_11412288() and
* Added sceKernelDipswHigh32() and sceKernelDipswLow32()
* Added sceKernelInitApitype() and sceKernelInitLptSummary()
* Added sceSysconGetLeptonPowerCtrl and sceSysconCtrlLeptonPower
* Code clean-up.
* Fixed sceKernelExtendThreadStack and sceKernelExtendKernelStack: return
value from callback and free all the extended stacks even when called
* Added new modules: sceMSstor, sceAta, sceGpio, sceNand.
* VSH: save the registry settings for date&time (that can be changed from
the VSH) into the Settings.properties so that they can be kept when
restarting Jpcsp.

Download: Jpcsp Git (2017/06/24) x86
Download: Jpcsp Git (2017/06/24) x64
Source: Here


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