OpenMSX Git (2017/01/03) is complie. OpenMSX is an open source MSX emulator which is free according to the Debian Free Software Guidelines, available under the GNU General Public License.For copyright reasons the emulator cannot be distributed with original BIOS ROM images. OpenMSX includes C-BIOS a minimal implementation of the MSX BIOS, allowing to play quite some games without the need to have an original MSX BIOS ROM image. You can also use your own BIOS ROM image if you please.
OpenMSX Git Changelog:
* Sanitize the way Dingux platform is detected.
Use a more fitting name for the variables at the same time...
* Use proper way to detect Android platform.
Same method was used in reverse.tcl.
Download: OpenMSX Git (2017/01/03) x86
Download: OpenMSX Git (2017/01/03) x64
Source: Here
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