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EmuCR: XeniaXenia stfs-work Git (2016/02/06) is compiled. Xenia stfs-work is a branch of Xenia. Xenia is an experimental emulator for the Xbox 360. It does not run games (yet).

Xenia Status:
- Some code runs. [Insert any game name here] doesn't.
- Asserts! Crashes! Hangs! Blank screens!

Xenia stfs-work Git Changelog:
* Minor fix for large STFS thumbnail images
Read image data using the known size, not minimum alignment
* Merge pull request #528 from DrChat/glsl_optimizations
GLSL Optimizations
* Apply a few optimizations to generated GLSL shaders.
* Merge pull request #526 from DrChat/command_processor_rb
Command Processor RingBuffer Replacement
* Command Processor: Replace RingbufferReader with RingBuffer
Report any packet processing errors
* Update RingBuffer - Add immediate read/write and some error checking asserts.
* Merge pull request #527 from DrChat/xma_stereo_fix
XMAInitializeContext Stereo Audio Fix
* Fix XMAInitializeContext is_stereo flag.
* Merge pull request #525 from DrChat/getmodule_fix
Fix KernelState::GetModule

Download: Xenia stfs-work Git (2016/02/06)
Source: Here


  1. No idea what they did but the last few updates fucked up all working games

  2. can you make a compability with some RGH or Jtag functions like unlock xbla demos or install DLC????


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