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EmuCR: GBA.jsGBA.js Git (2015/12/19) is released. Jeffrey Pfau released a new GameBoy Advance emulator. The project began last July. The first prototype took him five weeks. But it has worked for several weeks and several hours a day online prior to the first public version. The program runs on JavaScript. It is available online and works in a modern web browser. It runs on Chrome 20, Safari 6.0, Firefox 15 + (without sound) or Opera 12. It should also run on Internet Explorer 10. Firefox and Opera are particularly slow, it is better to use Safari or Chrome.

As a matter of law, no rom is provided on the official website. However, you can load these roms on your machine. The emulator does not handle compressed files. So please only download roms decompressed. The application sometimes crashes if the file has special characters.

Currently all parts of the GameBoy Advance hardware are implemented. You can save and load backups, send on your machine or your machine. GBA.js is able to take screenshots. It can set the emulation paused. It supports games containing real-time clocks (eg Pokemon).

GBA.js Git Changelog:
* Merge pull request #37 from Catarax/patch-4
Volume updated oninput
* Volume updated oninput
Volume is updated in near real time while changing the input type range value.

EmuCR: GBA.js

Try Online: GBA.js Git (2015/12/19)
Source: Here


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