3dmoo Git (2015/01/01) is compiled. 3dmoo is an open-source Nintendo 3DS Emulator Prototype. It does not run games (yet).
3dmoo Git Changelog:
* fixed thumb op ldm added thumb rev
* screen_Init shouldn't return a value.
* Fix mod by zero in GetWrappedTexCoord.
* Fixed rawromfs_Read to return actual read data instead of erroring if read data doesn't match the requested size.
* Change GSP Sync to same as Citra's. (Thanks bunnei)
* Initialize top frame buffer size register to sensible default.
* Fixed TFlag in CreateThread.
* Fix weird issues caused by SDL_FillRect.
* Add ETC1/ETC1A4 support to the rasterizer.
* fix gdb stub when no port supplied
Download: 3dmoo Git (2015/01/01) x86
Download: 3dmoo Git (2015/01/01) x64
Source: Here
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