UnrealSpeccy v0.38.2 is released. UnrealSpeccy is a high-performance and rich features ZX-Spectrum emulator for WinNT platform.
UnrealSpeccy v0.38.2 Changelog:
! Fixed signal processing index for VG93 (savelij, AlCo)
+ Added new ports for shadow ATM3 (savelij)
! Fixed handling of internal registers ide devices. (Vadim)
+ Made tap heads on track zero at reset VG93.
! Fixed poll status Z-Controller'a. (Blade, TS-Labs)
! Fixed 100% CPU mode pause. (TS-Labs)
! Fixed handling of loss of context when dx orisovke frame.
+ Added saving screenshots ATM1 / 2/3 of 320x200 as bmp with original palette (the data are taken from the video memory ATM)
* Fixed handling of "bright black" colors for ATM / PROFI (AlCo)
! Fixed handling .trd images with more than 80 tracks (goodboy)
! Fixed handling of breakpoints read / execution (goodboy)
* Fixed handling of bits H and V Team Type 1
+ Added a motor control drive (Faster)
* Fixed timings restore command
@ Removed timeout off the motor (in reality, the motor is switched off by the signals / or 15 idle disk in idle state)
@ Improved emulation drive controller for quorum.
! Fixed high level (bass.dll) emulation gs / ngs (psb)
* Fixed assembling JRxx. (DimkaM)
Download: UnrealSpeccy v0.38.2
Source: Here
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