psxact Git (2014/09/29) is compiled. psxact is a Cycle accurate PS1 emulator written in C++.
psxact Git Changelog:
* Merge pull request #1 from beannaich/develop
Get BIOS to poll the GPU
* move readme file to root directory.
* implement an extremely basic gpu to get the ball rolling
* clean up the 'ex' and 'rf' stages, bios now polling the gpu status register.
* add coprocessor instructions
* add remaining control flow instructions
* add remaining alu operations
* add mult, multu, mfhi, mflo, mthi, mtlo
* add remaining load/store instructions
* add syscall and break instructions
* changed "BusLog" macro to automatically insert a line break
Download: psxact Git (2014/09/29)
Source: Here
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