Altirra 2.5 Test 12 is released. Altirra is an Atari 8 bit Emulator on the Windows/DOS platform. Altirra emulates several models of the 8-bit Atari computers. This includes the the 800, 800XL, and 130XE versions. Altirra is quite matured now, and IMO, the best Atari Emu currently! It also supports some copy protected games properly in emulation.
Altirra 2.5 Test 12 Changelog:
features added
Serial: Added Telnet binary transfer support.
bugs fixed
Serial: Fixed control line status from status commands issued between OPEN and XIO 40 (was causing ForemXEP drops).
author' comment
Altirra now negotiates two-way binary mode if it receives a request to enter it on the local side. During verification I also found a bug that was causing dropped calls from ForemXEP, which requires the ability to poll control line status prior to XIO 40.
Download: Altirra 2.5 Test 12
Source: Here
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