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EmuCR: PlayStationhpsx64 v008 is released. hpsx64 (Highly-Experimental Playstation Simulator x64) is a PlaysStation (PS) & PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for x64 based systems. This is a WORK IN PROGRESS.

hpsx64 v008 Changelog:

v008 - pre-initial release 8 - Auto Pause implemented, GPU fixes, CD fixes, SPU fixes. Improved compatibility.

Download: hpsx64 v008
Source: Here


  1. I am on x64.. x64 is much better than 32 bit, seriously. :)

  2. How the hell are you use a 32bit system nowadays??? Seriously, you need to have a pre-2010 machine to use this. Basic systems come with at least 8GB, which cannot be acessed with a 32bit. Updgrade your rig!!!

    1. People like me are using only 2 GB in the Memory RAM because we don't have Money, Thanks ._.


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