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EmuCR: PPSSPPPPSSPP Git (2013/04/21) is compiled. PPSSPP is a fast and portable PSP emulator for Android, Windows, Mac, and Linux, written in C++.

PPSSPP Git Changelog:
* Merge pull request #1430 from ufdada/patch-4
Update language files for shorter keys on display
* Update zh_TW.ini
* Update zh_CN.ini
* Update ru_RU.ini
* Update pt_Br.ini
* Update nl_NL.ini
* Update ko_KR.ini
* Update ja_JA.ini
* Update gr_EL.ini
* Update fr_FR.ini
* Update en_US.ini
* Update de_DE.ini
new keys without linefeed
* Merge pull request #1428 from ufdada/patch-2
shorter keys for language-ini
* shorter keys for language-ini
Every dialog with linefeed included (\n) is now shorter and replaced in the second parameter.
* Merge pull request #1426 from mickL39/master
Update fr_FR.ini (Add Dialog)
* Update fr_FR.ini (Add Dialog)
* Merge pull request #1427 from ufdada/patch-1
Update de_DE.ini
* Update de_DE.ini
Deleting string for Start and Select, because these aren´t sopposed to be translated. Changing Caps to Shift. Small fix on encrypt save
* Merge pull request #1424 from Bennieboj/master
Added dutch language file
* Added data delleted, sure to continue?
Whoops, thanks I missed that one.
Added "This save data will be deleted.\nAre you sure you want to continue?".
* Caps removed
Caps removed (https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp/pull/1424#issuecomment-16720668)
* Updated "Recent"
Updated "Recent"
* Update nl_NL.ini
Added some values, like "Shift", "Draw Wireframe", etc...
* Added dutch language file
I started from the latest en_EN.ini file.
I hope this is the correct way to do this.
* Merge pull request #1422 from VIRGINKLM/master
Greek Translation Update
* Greek Translation Update
Fixed typos & made everything fit 1x resolution w/o overlaps. OSD font
does not fully support Greek letters so expect missing letters.
* Merge pull request #1421 from xiwo4525/patch-1
Add Developer Tools = 开发者工具 to zh_CN.ini
* Add Developer Tools = 开发者工具 to zh_CN.ini
* Merge pull request #1420 from unknownbrackets/osk-fix
The prefill text is optional in the OSK
* The prefill text is optional in the OSK.
* Merge pull request #1419 from ufdada/patch-4
Update de_DE.ini
* Update de_DE.ini
Adding dialog section, small typo fix
* Merge pull request #1417 from MrYadro/master
Updated Russian and English localization and D for dialog
* D for Dialog
* Updated Russian and English localization
All translatable strings from source code.
* Merge pull request #1416 from unknownbrackets/mpeg-fix
Add thread delays to sceMpeg
* Add delays to the sceMpegGet*Au() functions.
Mostly from JPCSP. I'm having trouble building a good test that
replicates these, but this fixes #1198 and seems right.
* Also delay inside sceMpegAtracDecode().
This is just from JPCSP but we don't have the function working properly
yet anyway.
* Make sceMpegAvcDecode() reschedule, based on tests.
Timing seems variable but this should be safe-ish.
* Fix error code for empty ringbuffer in mpeg.
* Merge pull request #1411 from unknownbrackets/dlist-cycles
Potential fix for hangs since GE sync changes
* Don't signal again if a PAUSE handler unstalls.
Basically, if the handler calls sceGeListUpdateStallAddr(), and it hits
a finish (which it might), before we were triggering another PAUSE.
THat's wrong, it should just be a FINISH as usual.
* Merge pull request #1413 from aquanull/patch-2
Un-Pause and close Dissambly on Emulation Stop on Windows
* Un-Pause and closes Dissambly on Emulation Stop
* Merge pull request #1415 from gabrielmop/patch-3
Update pt_Br.ini
* Update pt_Br.ini
adding lines to translation and correcting some of my mistakes :)
* Merge pull request #1414 from gabrielmop/patch-2
Update pt_Br.ini
* Update pt_Br.ini
* Merge pull request #1407 from mgaver/patch-1
Update Language files.
* Update ko_KR.ini
* Update ko_KR.ini
Update dialog section.
* Update en_US.ini
remove delete save confirm because of spacing.
* Merge pull request #1398 from PoloqTV/patch-5
Update de_DE.ini
* Update de_DE.ini
Add Translation & language Update
* Merge pull request #1409 from mickL39/master
Updated fr_FR.ini
* Updated fr_FR.ini
* Updated fr_FR.ini
* Merge pull request #1408 from raven02/patch-6
Add [Dialog] section to CN/TW ini
* Add a missing m->T("Back") in PSPSaveDialog
* Add [Pause] section to TW ini
* Add [Dialog] section to CN ini
* Add Up = アップ to JP ini
* Merge pull request #1406 from raven02/patch-4
Add [Dialog] section to US/JP ini
* Add [Pause] section to US ini
* Add [Dialog] section to JP ini
* Merge pull request #1405 from unknownbrackets/osk-fix
Fix stack corruption from OSK, improve UX a bit
* Improve the UX in the OSK just a tiny bit.
* Toggle keyboards for uppercase, as users expect.
Also should make l10n here easier.
* Prefill the OSK when requested to.
* Add more error checks for OSK, fix field length.
* Validate OSK struct size and don't do copying.
The PSP itself only allows the correct size struct.
* Merge pull request #1404 from raven02/patch-3
Fix Start/Select button in OSK screen
* Fix Start/Select button in OSK screen
* Fix strange offset of skinned meshes in HW transform (helmet outside body etc)
* Don't use an index buffer for single triangle strips. Improve dirtying of proj matrices.
* Merge pull request #1403 from daniel-dressler/master
Fix reference to non-existant "FAKE" analog keys
* Fix reference to "FAKE" analog keys
* Merge pull request #1363 from daniel-dressler/master
Add KeyMap translation layer
* Fix inconsistent indentation
* Fix comment syntax
* Use unicode symbols for psp button names
Instead of approximating with ansi chars.
* Remove "FAKE" modifier for primary analog keys
Since KeyMap only handles descrete keys it is
inaccurate to call them analog. Let no
developer should get confused since the cardinal
directions indicate the descrete natures.
* Extend KeyMap supported keys
Uppercase latin,
Alt analog stick,
* Implement platform specific keymap registration
* Fix typo capitalization of lower case b's name
* Add KeyMap key translation layer
* Merge pull request #1402 from mgaver/master
Update PSPSaveDialog.cpp
* Update PSPSaveDialog.cpp
Restore spcaing to center it.
* Merge pull request #1400 from mgaver/master
update MsgDialog, OskDialog, SaveDialog translatable
* update MsgDialog, OskDialog, SaveDialog translatable
Make a new section "Dialog" into language ini files.
* Fix copy-paste fail..
* Recent list: Don't try to draw using textures that failed to load.
* Merge pull request #1396 from mgaver/patch-1
Update ko_KR.ini
* Update ko_KR.ini
* Merge pull request #1390 from gabrielmop/patch-1
Update pt_Br.ini
* Update pt_Br.ini
* Merge pull request #1397 from KyousukeKyaa/patch-1
Italian Language it_IT.ini
* Italian Language it_IT.ini
Just copied and translated en_US.ini, also added some missing lines (like "12HR Time Format" and "Draw Wireframe").
* Merge pull request #1394 from MrYadro/master
Updated Russian localization
* Updated Russian localization
* Fudge GPU cycle estimates to let GoW runs fast and GTA smooth. See comments for the horrible details.
I hope this doesn't affect other games adversely.
* Merge pull request #1389 from PoloqTV/patch-4
Update de_DE.ini
* Update de_DE.ini
* Merge pull request #1391 from MrYadro/master
Update Russian localization
* Updated Russian localization
* Merge pull request #1386 from PoloqTV/patch-2
Update de_DE.ini
* Update de_DE.ini
* Merge pull request #1388 from PoloqTV/patch-3
Update de_DE.ini
* Update de_DE.ini
* Update native
* Add french translation by mickL39. Update .gitignore to not ignore lang ini files.
* Merge pull request #1385 from mgaver/master
Add Draw Wireframe = 와이어 프레임 그리기
* Add Draw Wireframe = 와이어 프레임 그리기
* Merge pull request #1384 from JimLee168/master
Reset m_hStepEvent
* Reset m_hStepEvent
* Merge pull request #1382 from unknownbrackets/systemparam
Correct sceUtilityGetSystemParamString() per tests
* Update tests.
* Correct sceUtilityGetSystemParamString() per tests.
* Store parental level as an integer.
* Merge pull request #1383 from PoloqTV/patch-1
Update de_DE.ini
* Update de_DE.ini
* Merge pull request #1381 from raven02/patch-2
New Language button in System Menu
* Add Draw Wireframe = 繪製線框
* Add Draw Wireframe = ワイヤーフレームを描画
* Add Encrypt Save/12HR Time Format/Language
* Add LanguageScreen
* Language button has been running out of space :(
* Add the necessary Korean characters (hangul) for now.
* Merge pull request #1379 from macros5/patch-1
* Create tr_TR.ini
* Merge pull request #1380 from raven02/patch-1
* Merge pull request #1378 from mgaver/master
Update korean language file
* Update Korean lang(fix some mistyping, description)
* Zero-terminate nickname
* Merge pull request #1357 from CrazyMax/master
add save/load PSP system parameters to/from config file
* oops, typo fix, sorry
* GetSystemParam: fix copy nickname string from config
* replace strcpy with memcpy for nickname string;
* Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp
* Set impose params language and button preference from config file;
* add save/load PSP parameters from ini file;
* Merge pull request #1367 from unknownbrackets/jit-vfpu
Initial vscl, vmmul, vmscl, and v(h)tfm in x86 jit
* Initial x86 jit for vtfm/vhtfm.
* Initial / simple vmscl for x86 jit.
* Non-optimal vmmul for x86 jit.
It's faster than interpreter anyway, but it could be much better.
* Implement vscl in the x86 jit.
* Merge pull request #1374 from mikusp/master
Improvements in Qt interface
* Qt: fix pausing/resuming game
* Clickable OpenGL widget in Qt interface
* Merge pull request #1375 from mikusp/pllang
Add Polish translation
* Add Polish translation
* Merge pull request #1373 from raven02/master
Several fix to CN/TW ini and UI language button
* Save State/Load State : Same as TW ini
* Change Save State = 即时保存 and Load State = 即时载入
* Fix oversize language button in small screen (3.5inch)
* Fix language button oversize in Android
* Fix ? to "Stretch to Display" in CN ini
* Add missing items for TW ini


Download: PPSSPP Git (2013/04/21) x86
Download: PPSSPP Git (2013/04/21) x64
Download: PPSSPP Git (2013/04/21) for Android
Source: Here


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