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Amigula v1.6.1 is released. AMI.G.U.LA. (Amiga Games UAE Launcher) is a Windows application (Mac and Linux ports are scheduled to follow), allowing you to manage and enjoy your Amiga games collection. You can scan for your games, add them in a library, search for them, view their screenshots, listen to their music and of course, launch them in WinUAE so you can play them!.

Amigula v1.6.1 Changelog:
- Improvement: The Longplay videos feature now checks if www.youtube.com is accessible first. If it’s not, the feature is disabled.
- Improvement: The Longplay videos are now loaded only if the tab is selected, to improve performance.

EmuCR: Amigula

Download: Amigula v1.6.1
Download: rerequisites required
Source: Here


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