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EmuCR: 1964mod1964mod v1.4.5 Beta v.9 is released. 1964mod is a N64 emulator using the codes from original 1964 by Schibo & Rice. It is not created as a replacement to the original 1964 emulator. Hopefully, its enhancement will benefit people who loves the original 1964. 1964mod is currently at an early stage of experimentation & development. It is used as a learning platform to improve my programming knowledge and skills.

package include:
1964mod.exe v1.4.5(beta) v.9
1964Aud.dll v2.7d
MyRom_Properties.ini and MyGlide64.ini sample for your testing and comparison
Recommended list of games to test

1964mod v1.4.5 Beta v.9 Changlog:
Plugin Changes & Fixes
Fix random lost of audio for Tarzan (1964Audio)

Download: 1964mod v1.4.5 Beta v.9
Source: Here


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