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N-Rage Input Plugin v2.1 is released.N-Rage Input Plugin is for use with a N64-Emulator that supports InputPlugins and Zilmars Spec.

The developer said:

Hi, i took the sources, and made the plugin capable of handling XInput controllers.
- Triggers and rumble are working.
- Separate configuration dialog (just tick XInput to see it). To configure it, just bind the N64 button to the XInput controller button. For rumble, just check raw data and select rumble pack as with any other control, do not select any FF-device and you will have rumble.

The xinput implementation is made, so the xinput control take over the direct input one, so you don't need to use the original config for the xinput pad, and you can only use the first xinput controller as the first N64 controller, and so on.
If you change the xinput controller configuration, you MUST click the save button located in the xinput config dialog, otherwise it won't change.
I've commented all the source changes i've made to make this work.
You may need the Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) for the plugin to work.

The changed sources and the plugin dll are attached.

Download: N-Rage Input Plugin v2.1