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Yape/SDL v0.80.1 is released. Yape is the best emulator of Commodore microcomputer family running on Windows and Unix. The emulator faithfully imitates the C-264 (alias Commodore Plus/4) model.

Yape/SDL Features:
- full, cycle exact MOS 6510/7501 CPU emulation
- almost full TED 7360 chip emulation on two levels (fast or accurate)
- partial VIC-II emulation
- SID emulation
- real 1541 drive emulation
- almost full tape emulation
- joystick emulation via numeric keys and gamepad
- PRG, T64, D64 and TAP image format support
- partial CRT emulation
- fake disk LOAD/SAVE to the file system in +4 mode

Yape/SDL v0.80.1 changelog:
1-bit format and drag'n'drop support for WAV files
remember last joystick keyset setting
paste from clipboard with Alt+V
cycle counter in external monitor
VS2022, Mac/XCode & Linux compilation fixes
serial IEC EOI improvement
CPU halt bug fixed
VIA improvements
Commodore plus/4
TED sound fixes
improved reading from open address space
Commodore VIC/20
NEW! Commodore VIC/20 emulation with a rather decent compatibility

Download: Yape/SDL v0.80.1 x64
Source: Here

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