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EmuCR: ShadPS4ShadPS4 Git (2024/07/24) is released. An early PS4 emulator for Windows and Linux written in C++.

ShadPS4 changelog:
* Merge pull request #319 from DanielSvoboda/fixed--patch-version-is-older
* I fixed the button, PKG patch version is older
* Install x86_64 MoltenVK from Homebrew. (#318)
* Merge pull request #317 from VasylBaran/fix_macos_build_molten_vk
* Install molten-vk using brew (vs getching it directly with url) to fix macOS build
* Update CONTRIBUTING.md (#316)

ShadPS4 Git (2024/07/24) : 1cloudfile buzzheavier mirrored send
Source: Here

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