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EmuCR: DOSBoxDOSBox-Staging Git (2024/07/29) is compiled. This repository attempts to modernize the DOSBox project by using current development practices and tools, fixing issues, adding features that better support today's systems, and sending patches upstream.

DOSBox-Staging Git Changelog:
* doco: Add 0.81.2 metainfo.xml entry
* doco: Update 0.82.2 SHA hashes
* doco: 0.81.2 release notes improvements
* doco: 0.81.2 release notes improvements
* doco: Add missing 0.81.2 release notes
* doco: Update website for 0.81.2 (WIP)
* docs: Upgrade mkdocs-material to 9.5.29
* Fix assert failure from incorrectly mapping result of SDL_GL_SwapInterval()
* Fix CD audio support on physical USB drives on Windows

DOSBox-Staging Git (2024/07/29) x64 : buzzheavier mirrored mixdrop send usersdrive
Source: Here

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