
Swiss r1495

Swiss r1495 is released. The swiss army knife of gamecube homebrew. Swiss aims to be the ultimate utility Gamecube homebrew application.

Swiss Changelog:
Add PMTU configuration for FSP.
Make use of in_range in more places.
Add warning for unlicensed discs in NKit.iso format.
Fix default.dol + opening.bnr in a flattened directory.
Use bool where applicable in hypervisor.
Import PowerPC assembly macros from Wii64.
Fix parsing empty values.
Update Redump database.
Refactor NKit format check.
Unnest common headers.
Remove uncompressed DOL from distribution.
Add boot file hashes for unlicensed discs.
Enable loading legacy BIN files.
Prepare OSLoMem from a buffer.
Avoid using DVD magic to determine if we're booting a game.
Apply forgotten changes for region hack.
Partially fix navigation on DVD.
Add game entry for hybrid GCM/ISO 9660 disc.
Fix fsp_ftell in read mode.
Fix error when copying to a memory card.
Partially fix copying between memory cards.
Add more specific message for files that needs to be reencoded.
Update No-Intro database.
Move EAR initialization.

Download: Swiss r1495


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