GameRoy v0.3.0 is released. An emulator and debugger for the Nintendo Game Boy, written in Rust.
GameRoy Features:
Support for DMG (only).
High accuracy (see Test suite below)
Accurate clock frequency: don't sync over frames or sound, but the clock frequency itself.
Battery saves support.
Save and load states.
Time travel backwards in time (Rewind)
Graphical interface for listing roms in a folder.
Debugger with a graphical interface:
Views for disassembly, registers, video RAM, etc...
Statically trace rom for executable memory ranges (and at runtime).
Add breakpoints at read, write, jump or execution of memory addresses.
Watch addresses.
Step code backwards.
Building and Running
GameRoy v0.3.0 Changelog:
Implement a experimental libretro port.
Add thumbnails to ROM list UI.
Increase interpreter performance by 4 times.
Implement a dynamic recompiler, a.k.a. JIT compiler, which is 70% faster than the interpreted version. But the recompiler is not very optimized yet. It is only targeting x64.
Delta-compress rewinding's save states.
Renamed packages from using _ to -, like from gameroy_native to gameroy-native.
Replace poorly maintained OpenGL backend by glutin.
Fix resizing in Wayland.
Fix bench command's "times faster" calculation.
Download: GameRoy v0.3.0
Source: Here
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