touchHLE v0.1.2 is released. touchHLE is a high-level emulator (HLE) for iPhone OS apps. It runs on modern desktop operating systems, and is written in Rust.As an HLE, touchHLE is radically different from a low-level emulator (LLE) like QEMU. The only code the emulated CPU executes is the app binary and a handful of libraries; touchHLE takes the place of iPhone OS and provides its own implementations of the system frameworks (Foundation, UIKit, OpenGL ES, OpenAL, etc).
The goal of this project is to run games from the early days of iOS. Only iPhone/iPod touch apps for iPhone OS 2.x have been tested so far. Modern/64-bit iOS app support is explicitly a non-goal, and support for apps that aren't games is unlikely to be prioritized due to the complexity. On the other hand, it's likely that we'll attempt to support apps for some newer 32-bit versions (especially 3.x and 4.x) and the iPad in future. iPhone OS 1.x support might be attempted also. Currently only three apps are supported. The list will surely grow with time. :)
touchHLE v0.1.2 Changelog:
API support improvements:
Various small contributions. (@hikari-no-yume, @nitinseshadri)
Some key parts of UIImage, CGImage and CGBitmapContext used by Apple's Texture2D sample code are now implemented. Loading textures from PNG files in this way should now work. (@hikari-no-yume)
MP3 is now a supported audio file format in Audio Toolbox. This is done in a fairly hacky way so it might not work for some apps. (@hikari-no-yume)
New supported apps:
Touch & Go LITE
Super Monkey Ball Lite (full version was already supported)
The version of stb_image used by touchHLE has been updated. The new version includes a fix for a bug that caused many launch images (splash screens) and icons to fail to load. Thank you to @nothings and @rygorous who diagnosed and fixed this.
The virtual cursor controlled by the right analog stick now uses a larger portion of the analog stick's range. (@hikari-no-yume)
Basic information about the app bundle, such as its name and version number, is now output when running an app. There is also a new command-line option, --info, which lets you get this information without running the app. (@hikari-no-yume)
You are now warned if you try to run an app that requires a newer iPhone OS version. (@hikari-no-yume)
Options can now be loaded from files. (@hikari-no-yume)
The recommended options for supported apps are now applied automatically. See the new touchHLE_default_options.txt file.
You can put your own options in the new touchHLE_options.txt file.
If you're a Windows user, this means that dragging and dropping an app onto touchHLE.exe is now all you need to do to run an app.
The version of dynarmic used by touchHLE has been updated. This will fix build issues for some people. (@hikari-no-yume)
Download: touchHLE v0.1.2
Source: Here
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