
PC6001VX v3.8.2

PC6001VX v3.8.2 is released. PC6001VX emulates the NEC PC-6001 under Windows. PC6001VX is a fork of Yumitaro's PC6001V NEC PC-6001 emulator geared towards Linux & Unix like operating with the added bonus being compilable for Windows.

PC6001VX v3.8.2 Changelog: (Windows)OpenGLの代わりにDirectX(ANGLE)版Qtでビルド。Intel GPUにおけるメモリリークを解消。
(Windows)Built with DirectX(ANGLE) version of Qt. Fixes memory leak with Intel GPU.

Download: PC6001VX v3.8.2 x86
Download: PC6001VX v3.8.2 x64
Source: Here


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