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EmuCR: Snes9x GXSnes9x GX v4.5.2 is released. Snes9x GX is a Super Nintendo(SFC) emulator based on Snes9x, ported to the Wii and GameCube. The code is a continuation of Softdev and Crunchy2's efforts, and uses libogc and devkitppc.

Snes9x GX Features:
* Based on Snes9x 1.53
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
* SNES Superscope, Mouse, Justifier support
* Cheat support
* Auto Load/Save Game Snapshots and SRAM
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD, SMB, Zip, and 7z support
* Autodetect PAL/NTSC
* 16:9 widescreen support
* Open Source!

Snes9x GX Changelog:
Added support for Mayflash 2-port SNES USB adapter (thanks EthanArmbrust!)
Added L+R+START for back to menu for Wii Classic Controller
Updated French translation (thanks Tanooki16!)
Fixed issue with displaying screenshots

Download: Snes9x GX v4.5.2 Wii
Download: Snes9x GX v4.5.2 NGC
Source: Here


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