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EmuCR: yuzuyuzu Git (2020/12/22) is complied. yuzu is a work-in-progress Nintendo Switch emulator. yuzu is an open-source project, licensed under the GPLv2 (or any later version). yuzu has been designed with portability in mind, with builds available for Windows, Linux, and macOS. The project was started in spring of 2017 by bunnei, one of the original authors of the popular Citra 3DS emulator, to experiment with and research the Nintendo Switch. Due to the similarities between Switch and 3DS, yuzu was developed as a fork of Citra. This means that it uses the same project architecture, and both emulators benefit from sharead improvements. During the early months of development, work was done in private, and progress was slow. However, as Switch reverse-engineering and homebrew development became popular, work on yuzu began to take off as well.

yuzu Git Changelog:
* Merge pull request #5042 from Morph1984/project-aether
* applets/web: Implement the online web browser applet
* applets/web: Fix keyboard to emulated controller input
* main: Add the ability to disable the web applet
* main, applets/web: Re-add progress dialog for RomFS extraction
* applets/web: Implement the Qt web browser applet frontend
* web_browser_scripts: Add injection scripts for the web browser
* pl_u, applets/web: Decrypt shared fonts to TTF files
* ns_vm: Stub NeedsUpdateVulnerability
* frontend/input_interpreter: Add InputInterpreter API
* controllers/npad: Make press_state atomic
* util: Add URL Request Interceptor for QWebEngine
* bootmanager: Add a check whether loading is complete
* applets/web: Implement the default web browser applet frontend
* applets/web: Implement the offline browser applet backend
* applets/web: Initial implementation of the web browser applet
* applets: Remove the previous web browser applet implementation
* Merge pull request #5131 from bunnei/scheduler-rewrite
* hle: kernel: Process: Various style fixes based on code review feedback.
* core: cpu_manager: Fix a typo in PreemptSingleCore, which broke many games.
* hle: kernel: Thread: Various style fixes based on code review feedback.
* hle: kernel: KScopedSchedulerLockAndSleep: Various style fixes based on code review feedback.
* hle: kernel: KScopedLock: Various style fixes based on code review feedback.
* hle: kernel: KAbstractSchedulerLock: Various style fixes based on code review feedback.
* hle: kernel: KScheduler: Various style fixes based on code review feedback.
* hle: kernel: KPriorityQueue: Various style fixes based on code review feedback.
* hle: kernel: KAffinityMask: Various style fixes based on code review feedback.
* hle: kernel: GlobalSchedulerContext: Various style fixes based on code review feedback.
* common: BitSet: Various style fixes based on code review feedback.
* hle: kernel: Use C++ style comments in KScheduler, etc.
* kernel: KScopedSchedulerLockAndSleep: Remove unused ctor.
* kernel: time_manager: Add missing lock guards.
* hle: kernel: Migrate to KScopedSchedulerLock.
* hle: kernel: Separate KScopedSchedulerLockAndSleep from k_scheduler.
* hle: kernel: Separate KScheduler from GlobalSchedulerContext class.
* hle: kernel: Rewrite scheduler implementation based on Mesopshere.
* hle: kernel: physical_core: Clear exclusive state after each run.
* hle: kernel: Port KAbstractSchedulerLock from Mesosphere.
* hle: kernel: svc: Remove reschedule on svcBreak.
* hle: kernel: process: Add schedule count tracking, to be used for yield impl.
* hle: kernel: svc: Remove unnecessary hack in svcSleep.
* common: Port KPriorityQueue from Mesosphere.
* common: Port BitSet from Mesosphere.
* hle: kernel: Port KAffinityMask from Mesosphere.
* Merge pull request #5201 from ameerj/bufferq-refactor
* buffer_queue: better use of std::array
* Overwrite slots instead of queuing them, add disconnect signal
* Merge pull request #5207 from FearlessTobi/remove-gdb-config
* yuzu: Remove gdbstub configuration

Download: yuzu Git (2020/12/22)

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