
FB Neo Git (2020/11/03)

EmuCR: FB AlphaFB Neo Git (2020/11/03) is complied. FinalBurn Neo is an Emulator for Arcade Games & Select Consoles. It is based on the emulators FinalBurn and old versions of MAME.

FB Neo Git Changelog:
* tms34010, hook up to cheat engine
* midtunit, fix missing chunks of gfx
* localise.cpp: allow fbn v1.0.0.01 to load v1.0.0.00 language templates
* (nw) d_pgm.cpp: minor doucmentation update according to PCB scans
* md: Remove debug flag (t-chi)
* fix nes_kagec parent

Download: FB Neo Git (2020/11/03) x64
Source: Here


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