Fceux Git (2020/10/06) is compiled. FCEUX is a cross platform, NTSC and PAL Famicom/NES emulator that is an evolution of the original FCE Ultra emulator. Over time FCE Ultra had separated into many separate branches. The concept behind FCEUX is to merge elements from FCE Ultra, FCEU rerecording, FCEUXD, FCEUXDSP, and FCEU-mm into a single branch of FCEU. As the X implies, it is an all-encompassing FCEU emulator that gives the best of all worlds for the general player, the ROM-hacking community, and the Tool-Assisted Speedrun Community.
Fceux Git changelog:
* Merge pull request #179 from mjbudd77/master
* Minor cleanup of debug print statements in Qt GUI.
* Added logic to fill out palette label when moving cursor over tile.
* Minor bugfix for pattern table label when mouse scroll out of bounds.
* Merge pull request #178 from mjbudd77/master
* Updated TODO-SDL file to show that Qt5 GUI now has PPU Viewer capability.
* Added place holder function for FCEUD_UpdatePPUView in the GTK/SDL GUI. This fixes GTK GUI build issue that occurred when Qt/SDL PPU Viewer feature was added. GTK GUI will not support the PPU Viewer feature at this time.
* Added logic for Qt PPU Viewer scanline entry box.
* Minor display updates to Qt PPU viewer.
* Added logic to fill out PPU selected tile label
* Added logic to display sprite 8x16 on Qt PPU viewer
* Re-organized Qt PPU viewer to have each pattern table in its own frame.
* Added PPU Viewer control widgets to window. Still TODO, write logic.
* First successful viewing of pattern and palatte colors on Qt PPU Viewer.
* Setup initial menu options and window open for Qt GUI PPU Viewer.
* Merge pull request #177 from mjbudd77/master
* Added logic to auto open log file dialog window if file logging is checked and a start logging event occurs.
* Updated TODO-SDL file to show new Qt GUI features
* More logic updates for Qt trace logger window. Added log to file feature.
* Added lines skipped logic for trace logger new code/data functionality.
* Added logic to display running trace log in Qt window viewport
* Changed trace instruction logger to be more efficient.
* Enabled trace instruction function. Still TODO, try to make it more efficient.
* Trace logger custom widget setup in work.
* More setup of Qt Trace Logger window.
* Added initial window layout for trace logger.
Download: Fceux Git (2020/10/06) x64
Source: Here
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