
FB Neo Git (2020/05/05)

EmuCR: FB AlphaFB Neo Git (2020/05/05) is complied. FinalBurn Neo is an Emulator for Arcade Games & Select Consoles. It is based on the emulators FinalBurn and old versions of MAME.

FB Neo Git changelog:
* kicknrun demo sounds
* SDL2: bit of work on the menu, remove stars and add a default title image (WIP currently)
* vegaeo - fix crazywar
* fix turbo's engine sound - hopefully don't break anything else..
* fix tubepb
* clean up m6800 cpu interface, probably going to need a clean build for this one
* ym2151 timer deinit issue
* nes, -debug spam
* d_nes: remove name prefixes
* d_pgm.cpp: added Knights of Valour: SanGuo QunYingZhuan / Sangoku Senki: SanGuo QunYingZhuan (set 5) [gc8tech]
* sdl2: add nes and fds filtering
* tilemap_generic niceification [iq_132]
* moon shuttle - finish emulation

Download: FB Neo Git (2020/05/05) x64
Source: Here


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