
NESICIDE Git (2020/03/20)

EmuCR: NESICIDENESICIDE Git (2020/03/20) is complied. NESICIDE is an Integrated Development Environment for the 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). NESICIDE is a NES development application written with MFC and works only on Windows. The goal of NESICIDE2 is to bring this application into the modern age; it will support all 3 major platforms, as well as feature an easier to use interface. It will also have a community element that will allow users to share code, multimedia, and even entire projects/games. This is a new project and much is left to be done.

NESICIDE Git Changelog:
* MMC5 fixes again.
* Fix bug in SRAM allocation in MMC5.
* Virtualizing destructors now that some classes are poly. Also removing redundant derived class object deletions even though they reallocate the object...the base class deletion was causing exceptions.
* Potential fix for MMC5 crash.
* Fixing application of add-ons on new project creation.
* Fixes to MMC5 banking. Still doesn't work right for Just Breed etc.
* Adjust MMC3 PRG/CHR remapping to be consistent with doc.

Download: NESICIDE Git (2020/03/20)
Source: Here


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