
XQEMU Git (2019/02/19)

EmuCR:Xbox EmulatorsXQEMU Git (2019/02/19) is compiled. XQEMU is a open source, cross-platform emulator for the original Xbox (and Sega Chihiro). It is currently in very early stages of development. XQEMU is built on-top of QEMU.

XQEMU Git Changelog
* apu: Add mixbin beep tone for debugging
* apu: Add VP framework
* apu: Use GP_DSP_MIXBUF_BASE to refer to MIXBUF base
* xid-sdl: Enable left/right force feedback with SDL2
* psh: Separate input component usage selection for RGB and ALPHA portion
* psh: Final combiner G input is a scalar
* psh: Use vec4 for all registers
* psh: Use float for alpha, vec3 for rgb

Download: XQEMU Git (2019/02/19)
Source: Here


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