
No$gba v2.9d

EmuCR: NO$GBANo$gba v2.9d is released. NO$GBA pronounced as No Cash GBA is a Nintendo DS / DS Lite and GameBoy Advance emulator for Windows XP, Vindows VISTA and MS-DOS. NO$GBA options include emulating all known save types as well as and multiple cartridges reading. NoGBA supports multiplayer and is able to load multiple NDS ROM files for linking games. Multiplayer for GBA Games is also supported.

No$gba v2.9c Changelog:
- debug/setup: disabled profiler by default (for fast emulation) (thanks Dwedit)
- debug/disass: disassembler support for UAL syntax (optional) and ARM11 opcodes
- dsi/help: added SD_EXT_IRQ_STAT/MASK (insert/eject state and irq for emmc)
- 3ds/help: added 3DS register specs (thanks 3dbrew.org/wiki/IO_Registers)

Download: No$gba v2.9d Windows debug version
Download: No$gba v2.9d Windows gaming version
Download: No$gba v2.9d DOS gaming version
Source: Here


  1. Your changelog version number was invalid? Is 2.9d, not 2.9c?


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