GLideN64 Git (2018/09/30) is compiled. GLideN64 is a new generation, open-source graphics plugin for N64 emulators
GLideN64 Git Changelog:
* tile functions: Replace magic numbers with constants
* Rewrite vertex coordinates calculation for ObjSprite command again.
* Rewrite vertex coordinates calculation for ObjRect commands again.
* Correct condition for texture filtering: remove (gSP.objRendermode&G_OBJRM_BILERP) != 0 from the condition.
* Rewrite texture coordinates calculation for ObjRect commands.
* Add support for S2DEX v1.03
* Disable "yoshi petals fix" because of regression in yoshi's message board.
* Rewrite coordinates calculation for ObjRectangle and ObjRectangleR
* Correct vertex coordinates calculation for gSPObjRectangleR
* Correct _YUVtoRGBA
* Rewrite vertex coordinates calculation for gSPObjRectangleR using fixed-point math decoded from S2DEX ucode by olivieryuyu
* Correct lrs and lrt calculation for ObjRect commands.
* Code cleanup: use constants for flipS and flipT flags.
* Code refactor:
* Rewrite vertex coordinates calculation for gSPObjRectangle using fixed-point math decoded from S2DEX ucode by olivieryuyu
* Rewrite gSPObjSprite using fixed-point math decoded from S2DEX ucode by olivieryuyu
* Revert "Shift sprite origin Y by -0.5"
Download: GLideN64 Git (2018/09/30)
Source: Here
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