
ColEm v4.6

EmuCR: ColEmColEm v4.5 is released. ColEm is a ColecoVision emulator. ColEm will run software written for the ColecoVision video game console. ColEm package itself does not contain any games. You should place your own game files onto the SD card before running ColEm. Please, do not run any software you do not own with ColEm. The author cannot and will not tell you where to find free ColecoVision games.

ColEm v4.6 Changelog:
* Made replay save states approximately every 170ms.
* Added ability to browse through paused replay.
* During replay, press [UP] to pause or resume.
* When replay paused, press [LEFT] and [RIGHT] to browse.
* Press any other button to continue playing.
* Now cancelling replay if any key or button is pressed.
* Made WaitJoystick() exit when window closed.

Download: ColEm v4.6
Download: ColEm for Android
Source: Here


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