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EmuCR: DolphinDolphin Git 5.0-4289 is compiled. This is the trunk of Dolphin Project. Dolphin is the first Gamecube emulator able to run commercial games! Dolphin is a Gamecube, Wii and Triforce (the arcade machine based on the Gamecube) emulator which supports many extra features and abilities not present on the original consoles. It has a partial Wii support and plays most Gamecube games.

Dolphin Git changelog:
* Merge pull request #5588 from TaoSc/zlibupdate
Update zlib to 1.2.11
* Update zlib to 1.2.11
* Merge pull request #5585 from JosJuice/volumedirectory-minor-fixes
VolumeDirectory: Minor fixes
* VolumeDirectory: That's not what "4 byte" means
* VolumeDirectory: Use correct endianness when writing apploader -1
* Automatic translation resources sync with Transifex
* Merge pull request #5587 from JosJuice/volumewii-game-partition-later
VolumeWii: Don't set m_game_partition until we know partition is valid
* VolumeWii: Don't set m_game_partition until we know partition is valid
Without this, we can end up in an inconsistent state where
m_game_partition is set to a partition that isn't in the
partition maps.
* Merge pull request #5586 from JosJuice/expand-game-partition
FilesystemPanel: Expand game partition rather than second partition
* FilesystemPanel: Expand game partition rather than second partition
The game partition is normally the second partition, but not
if the disc has been scrubbed to only contain one partition.
* Merge pull request #5583 from shuffle2/remove-psapi
remove MemUsage, and therefor psapi dependency
* remove MemUsage, and therefor psapi dependency
* Merge pull request #5584 from JosJuice/boot-tmd-valid
Boot: Check TMD validity before reading from TMD

Download: Dolphin Git 5.0-4289 x64
Download: Dolphin Git 5.0-4289 Android
Source: HereDolphin Git 5.0-2877

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