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EmuCR: MednafenMedLaunch v0.5.0 is released. MedLaunch is a .NET (Windows only) front-end for the excellent Mednafen multi-system emulator. It is developed in C# .NET using the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF).

MedLaunch Features:
* Responsive GUI that allows for a wide range of monitor resolutions
* No installation required
* Local (SQLite) auto-generated database where all settings are saved
* Built-in games library (with system filters and dynamic search)
* ROM scanner (for games library import)
* Game data (images, manuals etc) scraping
* Automatic ROM detection based on NOINTRO & TOSEC DAT releases (so the games library is auto-populated with year, publisher etc. without having to scrape from an external source)
* Manual import of disk-based games (both single and multiple disk games with auto-m3u playlist generation)
* (Nearly) All Mednafen command line parameters available and configurable
* So far uses only Mednafen command line options (and not local configuration files)
* Per-system configuration options
* Built-in browser control with links to Mednafen help pages
* Built-in static netplay server selection along with the ability to specify a custom Mednafen netplay server to connect to

MedLaunch v0.5.0 Changelog:
– Now compatible with versions 0.9.39 through 0.9.43 of Mednafen
– (BugFix) Handle exception that is generated when MedLaunch is set to remember the mednafen windows position but medlaunch doesnt start correctly
– (BugFix) Enable SNES games to be launched (removed problem unneeded commands – snes.input.port3-port8)
– (Feature) Implemented mednafen historical compatibility. MedLaunch will now work with the latest version of mednafen back to v0.9.39
– (Feature) Game controls can now be configured from within MedLaunch under the ‘Controls’ tab. This attempts to mirror the way mednafen configures devices (xinput for compatible devices, directinput for keyboard and other gamepads/joysticks). This is currently experimental and any bugs should be reported
– (BugFix) Scraper now handles underscores correctly
– (Feature) Auto-scanning & import of disc games! (see release notes for caviats)
– (Feature) On launch, psx game serial numbers are extracted from disc image(s) and an SBI file offered (if one is needed and available)
– (Feature) MedLaunch can now import multiple ROMs per archive (zip/7z) file (see release notes for restrictions)
– (BugFix) Prevented exception caused by null values in the database netplay_servers table
– (BugFix) Fixed MedLaunch crash when trying to access mednafen’s stdout.txt log file whilst mednafen is running
– (Feature) PSX and Saturn games now have library details automatically populated on scan (by serial number lookup)
– (Feature) Added country filter radiobuttons (ALL, USA, EUR, JPN) to the games library. These filters obviously only work if the ‘Country’ field has been populated (either by DAT lookup or scrape). There is also an option to hide these filters on the settings tab

Download: MedLaunch v0.5.0
Source: Here


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