bsnes-plus Git (2016/12/16) is complied. bsnes-plus (or bsnes+) is a fork of bsnes (based on bsnes-classic) intended to introduce some new features and improvements, mostly aimed at debugging. bsnes is an emulator for the Super Famicom and SNES video game systems. The purpose of the emulator is a bit different from other emulators: it focuses on accuracy, debugging functionality, and clean code.
What's new
- "Step over" and "step out" buttons in debugger
- Improved debugger UI with register editing
- Improved handling of address mirroring for breakpoints (extends to the entire address space, not just RAM)
- Real-time code and data highlighting in memory editor, with fast searching for known code/data locations and unexplored regions
- Cartridge ROM and RAM views in memory editor for mapper-agnostic analysis
- SA-1 disassembly and debugging
- SA-1 bus and BW-RAM viewing and (partial) usage logging
- Super FX disassembly and debugging
- Super FX bus viewing and usage logging
- SPC file dumping
- IPS and BPS soft patching
- Multiple emulation improvements backported from bsnes/higan (mostly via bsnes-classic)
Coming soon
- Rewritten memory editor
- On-the-fly ROM saving and reloading from the memory editor for quick hacking and testing
- More keyboard shortcuts for menus, etc.
- Similar addressing improvements for cheats
bsnes-plus Git Changelog:
* Merge pull request #90 from Optiroc/osx-makefile
Minor tweaks for OSX build
* Enable only NTSC filter on OSX.
* Version string is added to Info.plist while building. Added snesfilter to osx build (NTSC filter works, however other filters seems to just pass through the original image regardless of scale).
Download: bsnes-plus Git (2016/12/16) x86
Download: bsnes-plus Git (2016/12/16) x64
Source: Here
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