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EmuCR:WinUAEX WinUAEX v19 is released. WinUAEX is an Amiga Emulator for the xbox console.

WinUAEX v19 Changelog:

* MP3 player for the interface is activated. However there is one caveat. The song will be unloaded on game start (to save memory) and then restarted once the game is exited.
- Be careful with which MP3's you use they can cause lockups if too large. I suggest re-optimizing your mp3's to a lower bitrate if they cause issues.
* Somewhere along the line I disabled cheat codes. Now they are enabled. However if you want to use them you have to go into "Configuration -> Global Emu Specific Options" and enable them. A reload of the emulator is required for it to work.
* Game configurations that had JIT cache set causes crashes in Winuaex Lite so the cache is automatically set to 0 when running Winuaex Lite.

Download: WinUAEX v19

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