
Surreal64CE B6.1 Beta r333

EmuCR: Surreal64 CESurreal64CE B6.1 Beta r333 is released. Surreal64 is a Nintendo64 emulator for Xbox. Surreal64 CE is a continuation of the Surreal64 project where Team XXX left off. Originally developed by oDD and Lantus, Surreal64 included ports of three Win32 based Nintendo64 emulators including 1964, Project64 and UltraHLE. Our goal is to improve Nintendo64 emulation on the XBOX.

Surreal64CE B6.1 Beta r333 Changelog:
-Cheats implemented for 1964x1.1 and PJ64x1.6
-Bugfixes for WWF No Mercy and Top Gear Overdrive in Rice 6.12
-1964video, my RiceVideo audit project, XBOX build included. You can build DX8 and DX9 versions of this for PC, too! I haven't tested the DX9 builds yet, and I disabled some OGL functionality because I'm lazy and didn't get that far yet.
-3 Optimizations for JttL/Azimer's 0.55 and 1 for Mupen64Plus RSP
-Fix Ini path in Rice 6.12 Oops!

-1964video only works with 1964 atm. It's a really good plugin. It bridges the gap between Rice 5.60 and Rice 6.12. I'd like feedback on differences here again, so far all I see is a difference in Gauntlet Legends and some better vertex clipping in Doom64 using Rice 5.60.
-AziAudio 0.7 is included but it fails to initialize DirectSound, or crashes on repetitive initialization. Idk yet. Kinda let it go on the back burner.
-If RiceVideo 6.12 looks like something regressed, compare the ini entry with another one and let's talk about it.

Download: Surreal64CE B6.1 Beta r333
Source: Here


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