DOSBox-X Git (2016/02/14) is compiled. DOSBox-x is a branch of DOSBox v0.74. DOSBox emulates an Intel x86 PC, complete with sound, graphics, mouse, joystick, modem, etc., necessary for running many old MS-DOS games that simply cannot be run on modern PCs and operating systems, such as Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista, Linux and FreeBSD.
DOSBox-X Git Changelog:
* Gravis ultrasound: update comments to reflect Gus PnP card behavior
noted through DOSLIB test programs. While Gus MAX cards allow less than
14 channels to exceed 44.1KHz, the Gus Interwave PnP cards do not.
Writing less than 14 channels means the value is retained but the card
still runs as if 14 channels, and the PnP Interwave will not exceed
Download: DOSBox-X Git (2016/02/14) x86
Download: DOSBox-X Git (2016/02/14) x64
Source: Here
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