DOSBox-X Git (2016/01/23) is compiled. DOSBox-x is a branch of DOSBox v0.74. DOSBox emulates an Intel x86 PC, complete with sound, graphics, mouse, joystick, modem, etc., necessary for running many old MS-DOS games that simply cannot be run on modern PCs and operating systems, such as Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista, Linux and FreeBSD.
DOSBox-X Git Changelog:
* bugfix: 3Dfx/Voodoo emulation needs to register PCI device at
poweron/reset not from Init call. PCI emulation resets all PCI devices
at power on. The card once again shows up in Windows 9x PCI enumeration.
* bugfix: need to use upper 16 bits, not lower 16 bits, for 3dfx MMIO.
Since I don't have 3Dfx programming docs, I'm not sure what this fixes
and why, but it works.
ghoul8765 patch:
Please ignore the changes in the above posts, this patch below fixes the
Voodoo LFB writes bug and now direct3d games fully work with the
emulation in software and hardware modes:
--- voodoo_interface-ORIG.cpp 2014-01-16 01:16:54 -0500
+++ voodoo_interface.cpp 2016-01-22 22:53:06 -0500
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ void Voodoo_PageHandler::writed(PhysPt a
} else {
if (!(addr&1)) {
- voodoo_w(((addr>>2)+1)&0x3FFFFF,val,0x0000ffff);
} else {
Bit32u val1 = voodoo_r((addr>>2)&0x3FFFFF);
Bit32u val2 = voodoo_r(((addr>>2)+1)&0x3FFFFF);
* bugfix: fix up serial port registration and DOS device creation. COM1and COM2 devices work now from DOS.
* bugfix: update parallel port vs Disney Sound Source emulation code to
better arrange themselves. add reminder to self the Disney Sound Source
emulation might be better maintained if rolled into parallel port
emulation. parport= settings in dosbox.conf can now explicitly assign
the Disney Sound Source to a parallel port, while at the same time,
maintaining DOSBox 0.74 compatibility by assuming LPT1 if using the
disney=true setting in the [speaker] section.
* parallel port emulation: DOSBox had working LPT1 character device
emulation in the DOS environment. we broke it during BIOS startup
reorganization, now let's fix it to work again by registering the
devices when the DOS kernel starts up.
* BIOS: register PS/2 mouse in the Equipment word (INT 11h) if PS/2 mouse
and AUX emulation enabled. Call into parallel port emulation to write
I/O ports to bios data area during BIOS POST, and count parallel ports
in equipment word.
* serial and parallel: don't modify BIOS data area, don't register ISAPNP
at device creation. That's the BIOS's job.
* parport init at poweron
Download: DOSBox-X Git (2016/01/23) x86
Download: DOSBox-X Git (2016/01/23) x64
Source: Here
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