
RiceVideo Git (2015/10/06)

EmuCR: RiceVideoRiceVideo Git (2015/10/06) is compiled. RiceVideo is an open source video graphic plugin for N64 emulators. All windows-based emulators with plugin support (1964, Project64, Mupen64plus).

RiceVideo Git Changelog:
* Implement @CornN64's fast hash method, also cleanup the rest of the code in CalculateRDRAMCRC a bit
* Was meant to put this in a new branch, reverting for now.
Revert "Cut our convert functions table to one single one, based off DaedulusX64 code changes. Let me know if there is any regressions."
This reverts commit dc7b13f351d705ae524dee3d2b05f603b3ffa2bf.
* Cut our convert functions table to one single one, based off DaedulusX64 code changes. Let me know if there is any regressions.
Begin of commits to clean up some of our core functions

Download: RiceVideo Git (2015/10/06) x86
Download: RiceVideo Git (2015/10/06) x64


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