OpenMSX Git Changelog:
* Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master-vs2015'
Merge Max' visual studio-2015 work.
* VS 2015: use 64-bit toolchain when compiling openmsx
* VS 2015: ignore some locally generated VS files
* VS 2015: remove some unnecessary compatibility defines
* VS 2015: upgrade openmsx and 3rdparty projects
* Fixed bug in tab-completion
Could be triggered by:
- open the openMSX console
- type '[' followed by
This could cause a few different symptoms, sometimes everything appears to work
fine, sometimes you get a message in the console about invalid utf8 strings,
sometimes the typed command gets corrupt. Or some combination of these symptoms.
More specifically, the problem triggers when tab-completion has to show so many
possibilities that the complete console scroll-back buffer, including the
command we're currently typing, gets replaced with possible completion strings.
(Recently tab-completion shows commands/settings with and without :: prefix,
this doubled the amount of possible completions in this case).
One of the final steps in the tab-completion code is to reassemble the full
command line from pieces of the original command (e.g. before/after the cursor,
or before/after a nested Tcl command). Things went wrong when the original
command has been removed from the scroll-back buffer (and the underlying memory
of those strings has been freed and possibly reused by something else).
Once the bug was located, fixing it was trivial.
Download: OpenMSX Git (2015/10/06) x86
Download: OpenMSX Git (2015/10/06) x64
Source: Here
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