
MESS Git (2015/10/12)

EmuCR: MESSMESS Git (2015/10/11) is compiled. MESS(Multi Emulator Super System) is an open source emulator which emulates a large variety of different systems. MESS is a source-available project which documents the hardware for a wide variety of (mostly vintage) computers, video game consoles, and calculators through software emulation, as MAME does for arcade games. As a nice side effect to this documentation, MESS allows software and games for these hardware platforms to be run on modern PCs.

MESS Git Changelog:
* added mostly correct sprite rom dumps to Led Storm Rally 2011 (US) [Guru]
adjusted the rom loading / gfxdecoding in the driver to accommodate the correct ROMs for Led Storm Rally 2011 [David Haywood]
ls-10.13a still has an issue ( FIXED BITS (xxxxx0xxxxxxxxxx) ) but I'm sure Guru will get around to it shortly and plug in the correct ROM now that he can. I've also made it 'not a clone' because it's a distinct and different release with significantly changed presentation and gameplay as many people have pointed out over the years.
* Revert "Make screen rotation to be per-screen attribute (nw)"
This reverts commit 63844e14f5dca4098937e5895194d8199f9d9780.
* Revert "Added some of screen orientations for test (nw)"
This reverts commit f78e035fc1b06b4f8784a86064a14f0e9d46fda9.
* Revert "fixed commented validation to show all cases (nw)"
This reverts commit feef4e980ecc5d2d08cd9c40d1e6f081896fc786.
* Revert "Set some screens to ROT90 (nw)"
This reverts commit 50af1f9954c5eed8e1a29588b6e2c4ca0da0eac9.
* Revert "Set some screens to ROT270 (nw)"
This reverts commit a1c5963d1549446d17bdf7ac8e451ab48b1230e0.
* Revert "Updated some swap and flip screen orientation (nw)"
This reverts commit 9326b32aa9ca8a5fea6ad2638f9dc7d1f2163e8f.
* Revert "Fixed validation (nw)"
This reverts commit e193cae6d405424a6e2e5d9fe747e55bbb036b8b.
* upd7220: mm1m6 seems to depend on fifo showing empty when there's one byte left to read (nw)
* electron.c: added PCB layout
* New Joe & Mac Returns clone
New Clone Added
Joe & Mac Returns (Japan, Version 1.2, 1994.06.06) [rtw, The Dumping Union]
* New working games added
Attack Pla Rail (Japan, AP1/VER.A) [Guru, R. Belmont]
* Fixed validation (nw)
* Updated some swap and flip screen orientation (nw)
* Set some screens to ROT270 (nw)

Download: MESS Git (2015/10/12) x86
Download: MESS Git (2015/10/12) x64
Source: Here


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